Some most important queries are come normally from the bloggers such as “What are the things makes a blog popular?,What drives page views? Why visitors come to your blog?,"These are the questions that we have been trying to answer over the last few months.We were on a mission to dig into the data and analyze the strongest parameters that influence the flow of visitors to WordPress blogs.
Out of the 40+ million blogs on, they are randomly selected a sample of almost 100,000 blogs to perform a regression analysis. Here are our findings,together with a few recommendations.Here 5 tips are given to the professional and non bloggers.Easy Five Steps To Get More Traffic & Become Popular Bloggers With Syndication of Posts
1.Create a blog easy to follow:-
5.Syndication to social media:-
significant effect of syndicating your post to Twitter and Facebook,Google+,Pinterest(using Publicize),for example,could lead to additional page views.

Free and Easy Five Steps To Get More Traffic :
Out of the 40+ million blogs on, they are randomly selected a sample of almost 100,000 blogs to perform a regression analysis. Here are our findings,together with a few recommendations.Here 5 tips are given to the professional and non bloggers.Easy Five Steps To Get More Traffic & Become Popular Bloggers With Syndication of Posts
1.Create a blog easy to follow:-
It almost sounds obvious,but the simplest way to build more awareness is to make it easier to do so.Make sure that you have the follow widget as visible as possible.If your readers receive a notification every time you post,or see your post in their reader,there is a much higher chance that they will revisit your blog.
2.Comments others posts:–
2.Comments others posts:–
The most successful blogs,we found,created and encouraged a dialogue with their readers.The best way to make people more engaged with your writing is for you to engage back and start a conversation.In your posts,encourage people to comment.Also,make sure that you reply to people’s comments and continue the dialogue. This back and forth conversation is a significant driver of page views,holding all else equal,every additional comment can potentially drive up to 18 incremental page views!
3.Post Frequently and Regularly:–
Your readers want to know that you are there for them and that you are“on it”.If you post frequently and regularly and have enabled the follow feature as we mentioned above,checking your blog could become a daily routine for your readers.Even if it’s a short post,write something new as frequently as possible,and at regular intervals.(The Daily Post can help with ideas,as can the advice on how to get more traffic)
4.Conclusion part asking:-
You can start by simply asking follow-up questions at the end of each post:”have you ever done X?do you think Y is acceptable?”.You can read some more thoughts on how to build your audience and how to get more comments.
5.Syndication to social media:-
significant effect of syndicating your post to Twitter and Facebook,Google+,Pinterest(using Publicize),for example,could lead to additional page views.
While these five tips were shown to be the most important drivers of page views in our analysis ,you might consider other parameters,which I have found as having a partially helpful to drive traffics.
Special Thanks from Admin:-
Special Thanks from Admin:-
I want to give special thanks to Kristina Chang,Evan Moore,Tony Xu,and Omer Rabin those are students at the Stanford Graduate School of Business who help to prepare this blog post.
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ReplyDelete[...] bloggers.Always Write on social media no matter what your blog topic may be.Do mention Facebook and Google Plus updates to your readers and keep writing on them when the news is worth sharing.The initial push in [...]