Unauthorized compromising a site or blog and WP security plugin

Perfect BloggersTech was started in late 2004 as a non profit web diary and it was continue till 2006 as non profit .But When had resigned from my official job then restart it as profitable venture and trying to invest full time on it .It was gaining a lots of traffic on those days due there were only a few professional bloggers on those days.one and half year it was fine and giving gold eggs for me but mid July-2008 it had come under attack of a few bad peoples those are claims website researchers (?) and whole database and contents were deleted from the server .That was the first time Perfect BloggersTech was the victim of jealousy and the bad people had transfared the domain Hosmoster to other register because hosting and domain as in same provider.Almost five years has gone and there is no other attack on Perfect BloggersTech till yesterday [5th February 2013 ] but Today it is again become victim of jealousy and deleted all the database from server along with other 2 websites from the server.But this time they have not taken more advantages because maximum files and folders are taken backup in local HDD.Here is the query comes that why my site9s0 come under their attack and when they attack ?

The reply is very simple as popularity of blog(s) is the main reason behind it and another most effective factor is careless ness of the blogger or owner.WordPress security expert Robert Abela has said in a interview " If you have a website than it is very important to keep it secure from viruses, spyware, Trojans and any other form of malicious code from your site.How you popular or not that is not matter but your site may become a sample of their works or testing object(s)."
It is known to all that WordPress is very much secure by itself, but there is never too much ascertainable as uncountable ‘numero uno’ priority for any blogger or web developer should be security. Due to the lack of security, any site can be hacked and altered, private information can be stolen, and countless hours of hard work can be messed up with in few minutes of such culprits.Why my site is compromised or hacked today ?

As per my analysis says a few points-

A. I have failed to take backup regularly is well known secret among online community.
B.I have shown WordPress version in publicly .
C.I have used default user name in Admin panel
D. My WordPress-related cookies were not encrypted.
E.My password was so weak.
F. My WordPress database table was in default settings.
G. Robot txt file was out dated .
H. Admin connection was not secured (https://).
I. I thought that no one hack my site.
J. I was in over confidence as I can handle any situation.
So after this compromise situation I have researched on this matter once again and collected 25 nos of most essential security plugin for bloggers those are in self hosted WordPress platform.If you too interested in learning more about WordPress security then must check all the 25 security plugin for WordPress blog.Just check out Unauthorized compromising a site or blog and WP security plugin.

4. Chap Secure Login

5. Admin SSL

6. WP-DB-Backup

7. Remote Database Backup

8. WP-DB Manager

9. BackUpWordPress

10. WordPress 1 Click EZ Backup

11. myEASYbackup

12. Blackhole

13. Invisible Defender

14. Secure WordPress

15. AskApache Password Protect

16. WordPress Firewall

17. Secure Files

18. Replace WP-Version

19. Login Lock Down

20. WordPress File Monitor

21. WordPress Login Security

22. WP-DBManager

23. WordPress Firewall 2

24. Defensio Anti-Spam

25.WP Security Scan

This plugin list will not safe your blog or site from those culprits if the webmaster or blogger is not conscious about their blog security alert.So must check the security measure daily basis.

Conclusion :-

Unauthorized compromising a site or blog with the unidenfied bloody researchers can destroy you hard works with in few seconds.Special thanks to Syed Balkhi ,Atish Ranjan and Purbita Ditecha for their real time assistance in recovery process.

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