Observation Reveals: Most Perfect Mistakes Make by the Pro Bloggers

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It is the 13th year of my blogging and 9th year of professional blogging. In this period I have learned lots of things about blog and blogging. When you’re just getting your blog up and running, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of just launching a blog and rush to get going – so much so, that you make mistakes along the way.

I know from personal experience how easy it is to screw things up with a blog – or even just miss opportunities I could have taken advantage of. So – to help you get started on the right foot (or get back on track if you’ve run off course) here are the 28 most common (and biggest!) mistakes I see pro bloggers making:
Today I’m going to cover some of the biggest mistakes bloggers are still making. Most of these fall under the category of “structural” or “conceptual.” Chances are, if you’re a novice, you’re guilty of at least a couple.
Don’t stress, this post will set you on the right track to becoming a more successful blogger.
But be warned…
You may find yourself compelled to throw out some posts, or even move your blog in a new direction altogether.

Mistake #1: Not Getting Your Audience

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers are still making is not identifying their audience.
Many get the topic and have the facts, but don’t connect with anybody.
As bloggers we have to understand the problems our readers face and empathize with them.
Literally feel what they feel and see through their eyes.
Once you do this, creating engaging posts that solve problems and answer questions is a breeze.
Aside from interacting with readers comments and installing Google Analytics, asking questions with a survey plugin like YOP Polls is great for identifying demographics.
You can even step the look up a notch with a service like Survey Monkey.
With the free version you get up to 100 responses and 10 questions per survey… and it’s easy to set up.

Mistake #2: Not Choosing a Strong Niche

Another big mistake that bloggers make is trying to be everything for everyone.
You can’t underestimate the benefits of strong focus.
Having a tightly defined and clear mission, makes you much more likely to gain a strong and passionate following that’s incredibly valuable.
Being passionate and excited about whatever it is you’re blogging really presents itself in your writing.

Mistake #3: Covering Too Much

A lot of bloggers want to appeal to a broad audience, so they write about a ton of topics.
You might be thinking, “well, that’s doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.”
The issue is, the blog can get a little too bloated and easily lose connection (and trust) with the reader.

Mistake #4: Inconsistency

This is one of the greatest factors of an unsuccessful blog, both in publication frequency and quality.
The hard part is these “elements of success” can sometimes seem like opposing forces.
Creating great content doesn’t typically take 5 minutes, which is a problem for those of us accustomed to instant gratification.
Ensure quality content on a regular basis by simply adhering to a publishing schedule.
Base your blogging on routine, not on whenever the muse comes to visit.
Don’t put out a great first post and follow it up with rushed crap. You’ll lose readers quicker than it took to write your lackluster content.

Mistake #5: Lack of Commitment

Not committing to blogging is another big mistake.
A lot of people get into blogging, and think it will have an instantaneous impact on their business – most receive a rude awakening.
You should plan on writing at least a couple posts per week for the first six months. It’s not likely you’ll experience overnight success.
But don’t get discouraged and quit because…
“Anything in life worth having is worth working for.” –Andrew Carnegie

Mistake #6: Quantity Over Quality

Your readers don’t want quantity, they want QUALITY!
Internet users want solutions to their problems with easy to digest information.
It WILL take you some time to research, write, and edit a good blog post…
Otherwise, a quick Google search would offer “good enough” information for your prospect.
Do yourself a favor and set your blog apart with unique content!
Steve Kamb of NerdFitness.com does a great job of making his content stand out in a VERY competitive industry.

Mistake #7: Writing For Yourself and Not Your Audience

Even if it sounds fun to share what’s on your mind in the moment, if it doesn’t help your audience, don’t post it.
You can’t be selfish. You need to leave that to your readers.
They want information that’s helpful to them.
Recognize your audience’s selfishness and feed them.
Indulging yourself doesn’t help your reader, which doesn’t help your blog.

Mistake #8: Making Your Blog About You

Remember, your audience doesn’t care about you unless you’re a celebrity.
Write blog posts that are entertaining, topical, and/or useful.
Unless you’re somehow directly relevant to how useful, interesting, or good your blog posts are, don’t make it about yourself.

Mistake #9: Poor Writing

A blogger’s job is to find and retain readers.
When you have more readers, you have an opportunity to help more people and make more money.
With this in mind, there’s one SUREFIRE approach to turn away new readers…
Always proofread before posting. Use spell-check and review your readability statistics in Microsoft Word.
Take time to research the concepts, facts, and ideas in your posts.
Remember, your focus should always be helping people – especially if you plan to profit.

Mistake #10: Not Using Provocative Headlines

Engage your readers with compelling headlines.
Everyone’s more excited to check out a blog post when it has a provocative headline.
Make people want to read your stuff with seriously enticing headlines.
Here are 11 great examples of provocative headlines:
  • Don’t Even Think About Blogging Without Reading This Report!
  • Amazing New Discovery Kills Kitchen Odors Quick!
  • Why Some People Almost Always Make Money Online?
  • Is The Life of a Child Worth $1 to You?
  • 7 Reasons Income Diary Readers Live Better
  • Free Book Tells You 12 Secrets of Incredible Sex
  • Why Some Foods “Explode” in Your Stomach
  • The “Friendly” Health Advice You Should NEVER Take
  • The Strange Breathing Technique That Improves Your Posture
  • Thousands Now Play Who Never Thought They Could
  • Lose Weight While You Eat (10 Foods That Actually Burn Calories)

Mistake #11: Blogging on Your Own

Learning to adopt skills from popular journalists, digging up stories and interviewing others from my industry has enhanced my writing skills and opened many doors.
A lot of bloggers think they have to do everything themselves.
And I was guilty of this too.
Thing is, this puts a lot of weight on our shoulders and drains creativity.
Expand your reach by emailing other bloggers from your industry and asking them for interviews and to exchange guest posts.

Mistake #12: Adding to Information Overload

Don’t just publish content for the sake of publishing content.
Try to create something unique and compelling.
Make sure every post has a lot of value, and doesn’t just contribute to the clutter that’s already out there.

Mistake #13: Too Much Self Promotion

Go outside your own products, services, and company and talk about other necessary subjects to offer solutions to your readers’ issues.
This builds trust, and shows you really care.
Besides, you can’t solve everybody’s problems.

Mistake #14: Not Connecting With Your Audience

A lot of bloggers just publish their posts and forget about them.
Looking at your comments, responding to them, and sincerely engaging with your audience, will help build strong relationships.

Mistake #15: Not Thoughtfully Responding to Comments

One of the most blatant mistakes a blogger can make is not taking time to respond thoughtfully to comments and interact with users.
Show your readers some love and respond to them.
Let them know you’re a real person that truly wants to improve their lives.
Make it clear by going beyond the initial response and following it up with engaging comments of your own.

Mistake #16: Not Promoting Your Blog Posts

To my disbelief, I see many bloggers not promoting their stuff. 
Once the article goes live, they’ll jump on Facebook, put a link on the fan page and that’s it.
Then you have those who go overboard and promote too much…
You have to strike a balance, getting your posts the attention they deserve without driving your followers crazy with self promotion.
Ideally, you want people sharing your content. Your traffic will go up once your stuff starts to get shared on social media.
You’ll achieve this by consistently writing engaging content geared toward solving your readers’ problems.

Mistake #17: Not Becoming Part of the Community

One of the most limiting mistakes bloggers make is trying to do everything alone.
There are a lot of dedicated, passionate writers out there who would like to help you craft a community blog around the great content in your niche…
This would accelerate the growth of your site with additional promoters and give you a greater social circle to utilize for exposure.
Resources like Blog Catalog can help you find other popular sites in your niche.
And communities like BlogEngage are awesome for the exchange of feedback and links by like-minded bloggers.

Mistake #18: Not Engaging Other Bloggers in the Industry

You want close collaboration with other bloggers in your industry.
You could even try to form a blogging group in your local community and start or join a group on Facebook.
The sky’s the limit.
Don’t think of your blog as a separate entity, acknowledge it as part of a larger community – collaborative partners can only help your site.
Think of your blog as one of many and link up with others for the benefit of your audience. You’ll destroy yourself trying to cover everything your niche has to offer alone.

Mistake #19: Not Sharing Your Expertise

Sharing your talent and expertise with other bloggers and websites builds trust, reputation, and credibility.
The quickest way to develop a community on the Internet is to share information.
Your readers can and will come from other authority blogs.
Get your foot in the door with the best blogs in your niche by doing guest posts, commenting on their stuff and asking to do interviews.

Mistake #20: Ignoring Keyword-Rich Titles to Appear Clever

A lot of bloggers choose really clever or catchy titles, but they don’t think about keywords.
Keywords can make a big difference to the search engines – especially for the long term.
Choosing a keyword-rich title can make the difference between your post living on and fading into nothingness.
You DEFINITELY want a catchy title, just make sure it’s relevant to your message.
We live in the age of information.
On a daily basis we’re exposed to more ideas, blog posts, and news stories than we could ever consume.
That said, time is a limited resource for most people these days.
And with an abundance of mediocre and regurgitated information, treating your readers’ time with respect is critical…
Remember, the best way to respect your readers’ time is by delivering great content on a regular basis.
Success by choice, not by chance.
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Top Secrets Can Improve Professional Blog Into Perfect website Instantly

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Websites are ongoing projects. They are never completely finished. Content needs to be updated, new pages created. When you have a blog, you need to publish new posts. Not to mention, there are a lot of maintenance tasks.
In short, there is always something you can do. It’s gift and a curse really.
On the one hand, you always need to do at least a little bit. On the other hand, there are always ways to improve your site and make it more effective at what it does.
In this article, we want to concentrate on latter. In the following, we will look at quick and easy website improvements that, while small, can have big impact on your site.
The post will include improvements from different areas such as website speed, SEO and conversion. However, everything on this list is guaranteed to be doable within 10 minutes or less. Therefore, you are not looking at large weekend projects, just quick and simple fixes.

Quick and Easy Website Improvements For a Better Site

Are you ready for some small changes with huge effect? Then just keep reading.

Do a Mobile-Friendliness Test

Our first task is to run some diagnostics. Checking the status quo of your site is a good way to keep up to date on how it’s faring. An important test is to check whether your site is mobile friendly.
You are hopefully aware that mobile friendliness is crucial these days. Since Google’s mobile friendly update it’s an integral part of running a website in terms of usability and SEO.
Luckily, Google provides their own mobile friendliness test tool. Just plug in your URL and the service will tell you whether your site is mobile friendly and, if not, how to make it so.

Google mobile friendly test

A quick note: It’s usually enough to only test your home page. However, if you have a page that significantly differs from the rest of the site (such as a blog), it might be good idea to test it individually.

Run a Speed Test

Continuing with the theme of testing, next up on our list of website improvements is a speed test. Page loading speed is another one of those factors that can make big difference in the success of a website because of its impact on page abandonment.
40 percent of users will leave a site that doesn’t load within three seconds. Time to find out if your site is one of them.
For a first overview, you can use Google PageSpeed Insights. Again, just input your site address, hit the button and it will tell you how your site fares in terms of page speed and what to do about it.
My favorite tool, however, is Pingdom. It not only lets you test your site from several different locations but also gives you a lot more information about what slows it down.
pingdom speed test results

While putting what you learned into action might take longer than 10 minutes (though, as you will see below, not necessarily), running these tests will provide you with the necessary information to make a difference.

Enable Gzip Compression

One of those small changes that can make a huge difference in terms of page loading speed is adding Gzip compression to your site.
Just like zip files on your computer it means compressing your website’s files to make them smaller. Smaller files download more quickly, resulting in faster loading of the page. Easy peasy.
The speed test in the beginning will tell you whether you have Gzip compression enabled or not. Alternative, you can also use Check Gzip compression to find out.
If your site doesn’t have it yet, it’s thankfully not very complicated to set up. You can either ask your host to do it, use a plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache to do it or do it manually.
For the latter, just access your FTP server and find .htaccess (note: you might have to show hidden files for that). Add the following code to it (Thanks to GTmetrix):
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/vnd.ms-fontobject
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
# Remove browser bugs (only needed for really old browsers)
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
Header append Vary User-Agent
Save, upload and you should be good. Test your site once more to see if it worked.

A/B Test Your Call to Action

Calls to action are one of the most central factors for conversion rates. Here, the smallest changes like altering a word or button color can literally make the difference between a sale and nothing.
website improvements split test call to actionImage by Andrii Symonenko / shutterstock.com.

So, whether your goal is to have people sign up for your newsletter, use your service or buy your product, it’s a smart idea to test your CTA every now and then.
Thankfully, it doesn’t take too much time and WordPress offers several tools for it. If you are using Divi, you can also use Divi Leads for A/B split testing as laid out in this article.
Come up with a hypothesis of what could improve your call to action. Implementing it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. Then just let it run and pick the winner. Boom, conversion rate permanently improved.

Install an Image Optimization Plugin

Images and visuals often make up large part of a page’s weight. For that reason, reducing their size as much as possible is a good way to speed up your website.
Besides always using image just as large as you need and optimizing them before uploading (e.g. with TinyPNG), one of the quickest ways is to use an image optimization plugin.
WP Smush and EWWW Image Optimizer are both excellent options. They will not only automatically optimize any image you upload to your site, but can also do the same for existing ones.
Just install your favorite and then let it do its magic. Quick website improvement? You betcha.

Review/Update Older Content

In today’s net, content is a central pillar for success of any website. For that reason, many of us churn out blog posts day in and day out.
However, what about your older content? Yeah, the stuff that you wrote a few months of years ago. It’s still online, (ideally) still relevant and bringing in visitors. However, it could probably do with a facelift.
Updating older content is a great strategy to give it a second wind. Google loves up-to-date stuff and rewards it with better positioning. So do your visitors. Here’s how to go about it:
  • Edit style and readability — If your content is a few months or years old, chances are good you have become a better writer in the meanwhile. I actually cringe reading my earlier stuff. However, that’s natural and means you can use your new skills to make your older content more readable.
  • Update information — Are the facts in the post still true? Has new information come to light? Is there additional stuff you could mention? If so, by all means do.
  • Add/update links —  Are your external links still up to date? Do you have additional or better sources to link to? Can you add internal links to relevant articles that didn’t exist when you wrote the old post? Again, if the answer is yes, go for it.
  • Optimize for search engines — If you are using Yoast SEO, the plugin will tell you exactly what additional steps will make your article more optimized. Plus, they introduced the readability module just last year, so chances are good your older stuff can use some work in that area.

Update Your About Page

Staying with the theme of updating existing content, the about page is often one of the most important pieces of real estate of any website. People are naturally curious to find out more about who is behind what they are reading.
For that reason, it’s good idea to keep it up date. Looking over your page to see whether it still reflects reality is one of those easy website improvements you can in a jiffy.
Case in point, until a while ago my own about page was still mentioning my fiance even though I got married two years ago (thankfully nobody told my wife).
Maybe something like that is true for you, too. Apart from that, check whether your contact details are still current or if a new picture of yourself or your team would be in order.
Also, consider adding sign-up forms to your about page. It’s worth it.

Minify Code

Code minification is one of those things that all articles on site speed advise but that seems hard to implement.
In case you don’t know, minification means removing everything from your code that is only there to make it humanly readable. This includes formatting, comments and more. Doing so makes files a lot smaller which, as we have learned, make pages faster.
Thankfully, there is Autoptimize. Literally all you need to do is install the plugin, activate it, switch on minification and you are done.

Add New Keywords

In Google Search Console under Search Traffic > Search Analytics you can find the search queries that your site pops up in people’s searches for. It also lets you see their number of impressions, click-through rates and average search position.
This is very useful for finding new long-tail keywords for your content. Here’s how:
  1. Order the list by search position
  2. Scroll down to the point where the average position is larger than 10, so for which you are just missing the first page
  3. Click on a search query
  4. In the next screen, click on Pages to see the URL of the page that is ranking for that keyword
add new keywords via Google Search Console

How is that helpful? Because now you can go to that particular page and add said keyword to it. Two to five times is usually enough to give the needed bump. Plus, it shows Google that you update your pages. Win-win.
By the way, for more tips like that, check our advanced SEO tactics.

Check 404s and Redirect

Users hate very little more than clicking on a search result or link and landing on a page that doesn’t exist. The dreaded 404 not found error.
404 error page website improvementsImage by Ksusha Dusmikeeva / shutterstock.com.

Even if you have a custom 404 error page, this error often causes people to leave your site. For that reason, last on our list of quick website improvements is finding and eliminating their occurrence.
To find non-existing pages on your site, use Screaming Frog, Google Search Console (Crawl > Crawl Errors) or Broken Link Check. After that, it’s only a matter of setting up the Redirection plugin to send visitors on to more suitable pages.

Do You Know More Quick Website Improvements?

Websites need constant improvement in order to stay relevant, up to date and good at what they are intended for. However, that doesn’t always mean a big overhaul. Instead, it can be very effective to do small website improvements regularly over time.
Testing your site, doing small things to speed it up, updating content and improving SEO can all have tremendous impact on your site’s performance. While the changes are small, their cumulative results are nothing but.
We hope you have found something in the above that you can do on the fly to imprive your own website. If you have other tips for small website improvements ideas that make a great difference, please share!
Do you have additional improvements you can recommend? If so, please do in the comments section below.
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