There are basically two types of song- the pure or classical – generally played with instruments and the folk – which is vocal with very few instruments.
The history of Bengali song generally traces the second trajectory. Even before the Bengali language was properly formed – there was Bengali song – pictures of musicians marching along on ancient stone-walls prove this. But there is very little other proof. In fact most of the Middle Ages in Bengali Song can be reconstructed more through assumption rather than actual fact.
Premer agun jalere amar is the best of Nupur & Niloy.Is it really Bengali culture ???
Padabali is the text for the Kirtan. The poets Vidyapati and Chandidas [not Baru Chandidas] generated the initial traditions of Padabali literature in Brajabuli and Bengali. Chaitanyadev’s nourished the Baishnab Renaissance in Bengal and Narrotam Das Thakur – in Chaitanyadev’s death anniversary created Leelakirtan or Rasakiratan on the basis of these texts – rendering them a classical feel without its strict rigours. The singer has much greater independence here as s/he can even add letters and/or sentence fragments for the sake of emphasis in this congregational tradition. There are four major traditions of Kirtan – Garanhati, Reneti Mandarini and Manoharsahi – the main tradition that sustains now.Najrul produced over three and a half thousand songs for the Gramophone Company for a span of 22 years – 1920-42. This is an index to his popularity. His songs can be categorized in two sections- the patriotic and the romantic. A very thin line of funny songs exists somewhere in-between – but his fame rests mainly upon the romantic line which expands upon simple images – intensified by the details of melody. Melody has much more value here than the words [difference from the Tagorian tradition]. Najrul’s melodies
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