Blogging and bloggers both are supplement of each other.Blogging needs no extra qualification experience even without investing single penny , any one can become blogger over night but here is the main case becoming a blogger is not a factor which is very simple.Real fact of blogging is that becoming a successful blogger is the main points to stay one line either professional or personal, Both type blogs need traffic because traffic is the fuel of any blog or website.Today I am trying to pen out the life cycle of a successful blogger.

There are thousands of steps have to cross by a successful blogger.Here only a few major stages of life cycle of successful bloggers.
Complete stages of life cycle for successful professional bloggers
1. Mental and physical preparation :-
Mentality is the main stage of any work either online or offline,so HRD experts has expressed that if you have the mind then you will become success any way.So before entering to blogging must take full preparation and dedication on blogging. When mental preparation has completed the project then physical stimuli automatic support the mind.
2. Domain name and Hosting :-
There are two types of blogging are going on now this days .Those are free hosted sub domain and another self hosted custom domain. If you have no knowledge about blogging then better go thorough free hosted sub domain, when ever you get a little experience then migrate to self hosted custom domain.Most popular free hosting are and .
3. Select particular niche:-
Niche is one of the major factor of successful blogger.So when you want to do blogging then must select particular niche which is more close of your mind but one thing keep in mind that your niche may be popular among the internet users.
4. Content creation :-
Content is one of another important factor of blogging , so you should write rel time genuine content regularly.This will gives two type benefits such as users connectivity and self motivation.
5. Earn basic knowledge of search engine :-
Search engines are the main drivers of virtual word.So search engine can make hero any website with in over night due to their algorithm.I have already said that traffic or visitor is the fuel and search engines are the car or train where their algorithms are the driver.Hence search engines are the main source of visitors. It is needed to become seo expert before going to blogging.
6. Community engagement :-
Community formation is a another hard task for bloggers because mutual interest based community will help to increase blog readers and audience.So as much as possible trying to get engage with other bloggers,webmasters,IT professionals as well as common internet users around the world.Experts are saying that social media is the perfect place for community formation purpose for the bloggers.
7. Concentration and Authentication :-
Single point concentration can give you big success any where in life , so as a blogger you must give single point concentration with high volume authentication.Your data source may be error less as much as possible which brings the value of authentication.
8. Self Exile from blogging :-
It is known to all that every thing will have an end so blog has too. As Holy Quran says “Kullu Nafsoon Jaikatul Mout”[all lives should taste the cup of death].So it needs the well furnished plan for blogs and bloggers to pin out the exit door before start a blog or become a blogger. Every thing has a limit and time frame even blogging too. So every blogger must be taken retirement after a period but here is the question rise that how and when he/she can take retirement from blogging. Maximum experts express that best time of retirement from blogging is that when a blog or website picks up highest point of popularity or revenue generation maximum , then best to exit from that blog voluntarily.
Final thoughts of a little mind :-
Life cycle of a successful blogger is a hard topic , however a little mind has tried to describe this with very limited source of thoughts.Here may be remains some thing un notice a few points if i have done so then kindly type a few words for me in comment box bellow.I will surely consider your points in future update(s) of this article.
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