Top 10 secret freshness factors of contents in optimized articles

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Blog post writing or web page writing is fully different from any other publishing media.We have already discuss a lots about blogging and SEO tactics.Today I am trying to disclose completely different matter which is related to blogging and web page writing.It is known to all that content is the king in blogging but some time it has been seen that high quality content with real time topic gets only a few readers or visitors.Here is the query comes why it gets only a few visitors ? Once I have G+ hangout with one of my blogger friend and great SEO consultant Cyrus Shepard to find out reply of this query.
Top 10 secret freshness factors of contents

After the Google's Panda and Penguin update, it has proved that content freshness based of unique topics , which places greater emphasis on returning fresher SERP for certain queries of user friendly tactics of major search engines.Here is the list of Top 10 secret freshness factors of contents in optimized articles which properly and automatically publicize on web and get more and more traffics response.

Top 10 secret freshness factors of contents :

1. Content freshness on inception of date:-

Major search engines including Google measure all cached documents for freshness, then scores each page according to the type of search query. While some queries need fresh content,normally Google uses old content for other queries.A webpage or blog post is given a freshness score based on its inception date, which decays over time. This freshness score can boost a piece of content for certain search queries, but degrades as the content becomes older.

2. Content changes influences on freshness:-

Search engines can score regularly updated content for freshness differently from content that doesn’t change. In this case, the amount of change on webpage or blog plays a role.

3. Rate of document change impacts on freshness:-

Content that changes more often is scored differently than content that only changes every few years. A document having a relatively large amount of its content updated over time might be scored differently than a document having a relatively small amount of its content updated over time.

4. New page creation impact on freshness:-

Websites that add new pages at a higher rate may earn a higher freshness score than sites that add content less frequently.This is the case with most blogs get higher score on freshness.

5. Content changing impact on freshness :-

Changing in a document will signal freshness differently than changes made in less important content. Less important content includes navigation, advertisements, and content well below the fold. Important content is generally in the main body text above the fold which is a important factor of freshness.

6. New link growth signals influences on freshness:-

Blog or webpage sees an increase in its link growth rate, this could indicate a signal of relevance to search engines.Number of new new backlinks is a factor of content freshness score.

7. Authority site backlinks value on freshness:-

Backlinks from authority sites that have a high freshness score themselves can raise the freshness score of the sites they are pointing to.

8. Changes in Anchor Text Signals impact on freshness:-

It is seen that some blogs and websites change dramatically over time, it makes sense that any new anchor text pointing to the page will change as well.

9. User behavior indicates on freshness:-

Some of popular forum threads indicate that What happens when once wonderful content becomes old and outdated ! Most of SEO experts express that it will be need to change the url to keep content freshness.

10. Older content gets certain queries :-

Most of search engines including Google understand the newest result isn’t always the best so some of old results play good role.So it is needed to write relevant contents which may be beneficial to adjust the score of a document based on the difference from the average date-of-change of the result set.

Conclusion :-

These 10 points are not the end even a lots of other points also react in content freshness process.The goal of a search engine is to give the most relevant results to users based on his /her queries. My own notion in this matter that always try to make site or blog more freshness with real time genuine contents as great content that continually answers a user's query may remain fresh forever.If I have missed any points here then don't hesitete to comment bellow for update.

Evergreen articles on content freshness for SEO :-

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  1. Blogs are an integral part of the internet and it is gaining popularity for many reasons. With internet becoming a household concept, the concept of blogging has entered our daily life and had become a part of it. We may not even understand the aspects of our life which are touched by this concept. Blogging is very useful in the advertising and marketing for the online marketing of your business.
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