Top 10 special effective points of professional bloggers,webmasters,visual artist and craftsmen

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Blogging has a special effect on our society, now this days.Maximum bloggers have come from IT background and this wave is continuing day by day.But it is seen that the number of genuine and trust worthy ness is going to decrease on these so called professional bloggers due to lack of creativity and craftsmanship.One of my blogger friend had asked me that what are the elements a blog post carries to get proper attention from online viewers and readers ? Be friendly and trust worthy I have a lots of ready made answers of her question but I have tried deep digging on this matter and include the my findings in this article. [image creditAmitabh Harivansh Roy Bachchan]

 Top 10 special effective points of professional bloggers

A blog post is another name of story which tells in many different ways. Emphasis can be placed on the story itself, on the problem to be solved and central character may be carries technique ,human emotions, humor ,fantasy etc.Experts from various field describe the kind of storyline or blog post in major 10 points to get attention from audience or viewers or readers.Here is the Top 10special effective points of professional bloggers,webmasters,visual artist and craftsmen.Those are given bellow-

1. Story line or post head line:-

Head line or title tells a clear, step by step unfolding message which has definitely has beginning, middle and ending.

2. Problem solution:-

Presentations must bear a clear solution of problems of the viewers and readers.

3. Chronology of post:-

Blog post must deliver the message through a series of related sense each one growing out of the one before. Facts and events are presented sequentially as they occurred .

4.Special effects:-

Structural pattern may often to achieve memorability through the pictorial or video device.


A blog posts may be like sophisticated wit to point out human foibles, generally produced in an exaggerated style.

6. Suspense:-

Creating a suspense is a better way to get attention form viewer and readers without they feel boring.

7.Slice of life :-

Blog post are written as it is a part of life and without that topic life may be useless or some what. That variable are used in the point to point or person to person with face to face option.


Using special effects or caricatures are brought the fantasy to the blog post and readers or viewers are surrounded by the author for more such things.


Personality of the blog post is another factor of grossing of readers and viewers.Author must carry the high level mentality which has global acceptance.


Blog post must be added some extraneous example which are related to the main topic with real time analysis.


These 10 points of  professional blogging may not be included in traditional blogging formula but still these are useful when any one thinks to become a successful blogger.If you are not agree with my point , don't heisted to strike me with your meaningful comments.

Reference books:-

1.Creativity and craftsmanship by Albert C Book and Norman D Carry

2.Applied imagination by Alex F. Osborn

3.A.L. & art direction by Stephen Baker

4.The art of writing by Higgens

5.Keep listening by Burrnet

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