Latest Guide to Redsn0w covers the most reliable Jailbreak application of Apple's iOS
1. About the application Redsn0w:-
Apple's iOS has become more popular ,now this days.If you are a newbie to the world of jailbreaking, this is the most popular name that appears in the search results for any tasks related to jail break. It was primarily termed as QuickPWN gaining popularity much more than what the Dev-Team expected. Then it was finally renamed as RedSn0w and within a few days it gained universal popularity as the widely used application for Apple devices. This is recognized as the most reliable brand name in the world of jailbreaking applications. The last updated version of Red sn0w is 0.9.14b2 and the last unbound version was ios 5.1.1.[image credit : redmondpie ]

2. Working systems of Redsn0w:-
This jailbreaking application endures both Mac and Window devices. Because of its high flexibility rate, RedSn0w has become the most successful program in parts of Eurasia as well as US. You can also find out the ios version of your device by browsing the settings tab and then clicking the about version. Those wondering to download the jail break application can download it directly from their official dev team website. It is always suggested to make use of the official download link in case you need to install a third party Root App. Do not download from any other links as that can create issues. For better information about downloading, go through the RedSn0w jailbreak guide.Two confusing terms that surrounds the mind of the user always are Tethered and Untethered Jailbreak. Tethered jailbreaking is all about connecting the device to your computer for the booting procedure. It is the older one of the two jailbreaking methods. The process acts as a support for the ios device to boot in case the battery fails. On the other hand, unthetered jailbreaking is totally different. Because this process does not need to connect your ios device with the computer every time you start the machine. This one is considered more flexible than that of the other one. But always remember that Tethering process is the first available option.
3. Instant guide of Redsn0w :-
Jailbreaking A4 devices with Red Sn0w can also be done. But for that all you need is to learn the procedure. You can watch this video to know how to jailbreak A4 devices - Like A4 devices, RedSn0w can also jailbreak A5 devices. But for this purpose, Rocky Racon Exploit is used. The latest version of RedSn0w uses it to jailbreak iPhone 4s, iPad2 as well as iPad 3 devices. This procedure works with the lower versions as well.
4. Final steps Redsn0w :-
If your present baseband is not lockable you can uphold it as well as update the device firmware to the latest available version. The latest versions of RedSn0w are designed brilliantly to preserve the baseband of your device.
Those having problem running the new firmware can downgrade the ios version with the help of the RedSn0w tool. Downgrading a version which is not supported by the Apple family anymore can be quite helpful. Sometimes the normal iTunes fails to recover under certain circumstances and in such a situation you are left with no other option than to rely on the tool of the third party to settle down it.
Guest post contributed by Jay Chowdhury
Jay Chowdhury is a blogger cum Writer who loves to share his knowledge how much he knows.Catch him at
I just saw an blog post about how to Jailbreak iOS 6 beta 4 with Redsn0w. Redsn0w is really strong and powerful for iPhone or smartphone.