Top 5 SEO experts talk about how the Google search engine works on query

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It is known to all bloggers and webmasters that Google is the biggest,largest and reliable search engine in the world of internet.All most every internet user use Google search for any data either normal user or internet savvy.But only a few of bloggers and webmasters know that how does Google Search works!Google search engine works on query 

Today,I am trying to find the reply here.Most reliable and well known and reliable Top 5 SEO experts talk about how the Google search engine works on query and Algorithm are used in search.
1.Samantha Murphy of Mashable says:-
Samantha Murphy has written in her article that about how the search engine giant thoroughly scours the web on a daily basis to provide the most up-to-date results to users.According to her article 'There are three things you need to do to be the best search engine in the world.First,you need to crawl the web comprehensively and deeply,then you want to rank or serve those pages and return the most relevant ones first,Google then sends that query out to hundreds of different machines all at once,which look through their fraction of the web that has been indexed to find the best match.'She has given reference of Google spam team head Matt cutt's video.
Matt Cutts along with several members of the search quality team have a live hangout in Hyderabad,India.
2.Barry Schwartz of seroundtable says:-
Barry Schwartz has also referred to Matt Cutts,Google's head of search spam,was interviewed at SMX Advanced by Danny Sullivan.The video snippet was of links versus social signals.His notion away was that Matt Cutts says links are still,for the foreseeable future,going to be a more powerful signal for search rankings than social signals.Cutts does say that in ten years that may change but right now,links are indeed more important.Social does factor in big time when you are on Google+ and searching logged in.But in terms of a core ranking signal for users who are not logged in? Well,Matt Cutts would know best.
3.JON MITCHELL of readwriteweb says:-
JON MITCHELL has talked to Googler Ben Gomes.He is one of the elite engineers addressing the never-ending array of challenges we users pose by asking ever-more-complicated questions of Google.He has stated that Ben was introducing him to a brand new Google concept called Search,plus Your World which can able to delve much deeper into the fundamentals of Web search.Computing power at Google's scale is awesome to behold,along for a search query's ride one step at a time.He also stated that the Google team are trying to understand that complexity in order to understand users'intent,and then answer it by understanding the documents and their information intent,and matching the two.
4.ANDREW TARANTOLA of gizmodo says:-
Andrew Tarantola has written in his article that Google's great at finding pretty much anything on the Web—no matter how obscure—but has generally lacked social content thanks to itsongoing standoff with Facebook.But, according to the search giant,the most radical transformation ever has just occurred to its search engine.But maybe not in the good way.Google dubbed this metamorphosis, Search,Plus Your World.It integrates Google+ content directly into search results in three ways.First,it now provides Personal Results which include media—photos,blog posts,etc—that have been privately shared with you as well as your own stuff.Any images set to share using Picasa will also be displayed. Second,Google Search will now auto-complete queries to people in G+ circles and will display people who might also be interested in what the searching for in the search results.Finally,it simplifies the process of finding other Google+ profiles for people or specific interest groups based on the query.
5.Kim Castleberry of just-ask-kim says:-
Kim Castleberry has wrote in her blog post that it did note however it is a newer video and the infamous PR(PageRank)word was used,perhaps dispelling the rumor that it is being phased out for at least the time being.However,it is still only one of over 200 signals used which includes everything from backlinks to navigation to site design for which Google search take an extra algorithm.
It is known that Google’s mandate is clear,to produce high quality,relevant,spam free search results for their millions of users.Ultimately it comes down to individuals and the tactics they decide to employ.If any one wants to get on board with Google’s Quality Guidelines,user will all benefit from a more useful and friendly web that all users can all enjoy the world's biggest search engine with real time and informative data.
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1 comment:

  1. Kim and Mitchell, both are two of my favorite SEO experts. Their advice are worth to follow, and get effective results.


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