Most essential,self earned tips to create a successful professional blog

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It was primary stage of blogging era when I was started blogging as a student of business management in 2003-2004.It was because one of our fellow teacher had asked to all of our class mates to start blogging.I agree that we the fellow students did not know any thing about blogging at that time.Most of us had been started writing online diary which had no informative value of those blogs.After completing MBA,I had joined in corporate world and got busy with works.

In 2008,when I had resigned form Tata Motors Limited then again I have entered in blogging world with the hope of better independent in works.This(Perfect BloggersTech)is the latest version of my previous blog which I was started in 2004 with free subdomain.I don't know,whichever definition is used,while there are constant innovations in blogging, some things I have learned from the start remain true this days successful blogging.I don't know,how much successful myself or my blog but it is sure a lots of visitors come to my blog and they stay hours and hours in my blog.Today I want to share my 8 years experience and Most essential,self earned tips to create a successful professional blog.
1.Become Reader:–
It is said that more you read,the better writer you will be.Read good blogs of other bloggers and note your thoughts to write better contents.

2. Straight one step:–
Don’t be overwhelmed,take one step at a time and keep going.Just try to concentrate in only one task at a time.

3. Informative fun:–
Readers want to find fresh,valuable, entertaining remarkable information.Make an effort to deliver more than just facts.Make the content about the blog readers,not you.

4. Simple & easy:-
It sure that Style,grammar,spelling all count for nothing if your audience doesn’t get your meaning.Make sure you are understood by your readers easily and simply.

5. Direct to points:–
When it is going to write article that must be direct and to the point.Being valuable is more important than following any rules.It keeps readers with boring.

6. All consistent:–
Every post should be one of the best of your blog.You are only as good as your last post

7. Realize quality over quantity:–
Write some evergreen blog posts just like fewer kick-ass articles are better than many so-so posts.

8. Personal develop expertise:-
It is sure that you might not be an expert now but you can be.Dive into your subject and hoover it up.Share what you learn and know.

9. Keep passion:–
Always keep the fires burning,don’t let your subject turn into a chore.Passion can bring the success for bloggers.

10. Connect fascination:–
Conclusion part of any blog post is a great place to share author's own view about the topic.If you love your subject then let your readers know,share your enthusiasm,make it contagious.

11. Better motivation:–
All of us can improve our writing but it takes effort and motivation and long time.

12. Take experience:–
Do new things,broaden your horizons,stretch yourself.When you learn something new,tell your readers about it.Case studies are excellent content.

13. Prepare to explore and experiment:–
Keep trying new things,never stagnate.If you are the same as everyone else,why would anyone visit your blog? Appearances count, both in terms of your blog design and your posts.Make your content zing.

14. Impressive first impression:–
First impression is the best for any readers.
Do new visitors know what your blog is about in under 10 seconds? Can they navigate easily? Where is your best content?

15. Hold great momentum:–
Keep pushing every day,do not be content,it takes less effort to keep going than to stop and start over.

16. Focus & Optimize:–
Keep tweaking,continuously improve.Don’t squander your readers attention,give them what they came for,easily search feature is one of the better way for success.

17. Brand & reputation:–
Know what you stand for and deliver it consistently.Find out what your readers are looking for and write about it which can make your blog as a established brand.

18. Attractive headlines with breaking news:-
Write compelling headlines to get attention, promise a benefit,provoke interest.Supplement your knowledge by interviewing experts.Be first to a story,let everyone know and see the links flood in with information.

19. Easy to Feed subscription offer:-
Attention is more important than page views.Feedburner and email newsletter services are the best ways.

20. Run research,survey,poll & contests:–
Contests are fun and build awareness,Research results are newsworthy and survey gives to bloggers differentiate.

21. Daily stats analysis:-
Stats tell you the health of your blog.Where is traffic coming from? Can you do more of what works? Is your blog growing or sliding? There are many free services in the virtual world of the internet.

22. Inter blogs communication:-
Nurture your audience,make them know they are valued.Comment on other blogs and feedback your own readers' comments.

23. Social media profile activities:-
Social media networks has become one of the hot bed to Make friends,Ask questions, Twitter followers,Facebook fans,Digg,Link generously,Stumble upon and many more.Link generously have to first impression to online viewers of your profiles.

24. Join forums & guest post:–
Break out of your bubble,meet people where they are Give stuff away or great guest blog post to your blog or others by you.

25. Turn rebel:–
Break the rules,go against the flow,zig when others tell you to zag,do your own thing your own way.

26. Success enjoy:–
Keep doing what you do until it stops being fun.When it is no longer fun,bring the fun back with you highest quality blog post.
These a parts of successful professional blogs and bloggers.Other some key factors are Site Design and Structure,Choose your colors and themes wisely,Make your blog organized, Use images,videos and other media,Stuff your homepage with the essentials,archives your posts,Widget for top posts,Widget for recent posts,Widget for related posts,Tag & category clouds,Blogroll and links,Public email address,keyword research and write on topics on niche.Directly it can say that Start by raising an issue,continue with answering it and providing backup or proof,then end with reaffirming the solution to the issue you raised.It pays to plan before writing by having an outline and visualizing how to start and end your article.Keep your blog active,fresh and updated with real time.
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