Bloggers,Webmasters,Professionals are normally have stored a lots of phone numbers and email contacts for future use.But some time it will become compulsory to change the phone number or email id which has been built up a strong network of friends or business associates over the years and maintain relationships with them by contacting them intermittently or when something important or urgent crops up.
The entire network gets vexed the moment when the phone number or mail id has changed due to some inadvertent reason.But the burden has demolish by the My New Contact website which is a free service offered to individuals to connect with their old contacts by email or phone.Here the Cover story of the No Worry For Changing Cell Numbers & Email Ids Brings By My New Contact To Bloggers,Webmasters & Professionals.
1.About My New Contact:-
1.About My New Contact:-
2.Working method of My New Contact:-
Register on My New Contact’s website with your current contact details and then update your old details.When someone wants to reach you, they query the portal,by authenticating their true identity and submitting the details that they already have,about you,to retrieve your current details.This portal helps your friends to reach you,Only if they have interacted with you in the past at least once.Hence you need not be wary of updating you details here,as these will not be available to general public.
Under the privacy settings,you even have the option to restrict people,who would have access to your new contact details.The system would mail,you if someone logs in a request seeking your contact details,at which point to time,you can permit or deny access to your current contact details.Apart from phone numbers,My New Contact also assists you in sharing your updated email-ids and addresses with your friends & business associates,thus proving to be useful for someone whose account has been hijacked or one who relocates often.
3.Security provision:-
Your account remains fully secure,with My New Contact has given assurance of full privacy and security.With the feature of Restricted Access, no stranger can access your data.The person who asks for your details must be known to you,the validation is done in a 2 step process.Stay in touch with friends,get a 'My New Contact'.
4.Bloggers & Webmasters needs:-
Bloggers and webmasters have tried to build a strong community of readers and fans those normally contact with the authors.So when ever you will be lost your virtual or cellar connectivity then it will be loss of large portion of loyal readers.So bloggers and webmasters can use this portal for future safety of their contacts.
My New Contact has declared that the portal helps your friends to reach you,Only if they have interacted with you in the past at least once.Hence you need not be wary of updating your details there,as these will not be available to general public.So my notion about the the portal is that your contacts will remain safe in My New Contact.
Thanks very interesting blog post ,now no need to worry for changing cell number.