Professional Blogging Complete Guidelines For Online Business To Bloggers & Webmasters

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Professional blogging is a business but running this online business is a more challenging task than 9-5 day job as my personnel experiences says it.I mention it only my experiences although it is not scaring our readers,but it should be prepared to face the real life. Blogging is also a kind of Internet marketing which has been learnt to me so much since 2006.
Professional Blogging Complete Guidelines
Before that period I wasted a lot of it in my early days of virtual world because there was no one who could give bloggers or webmasters complete guides,step-by-step instructions, list of useful resources,etc.But now this days all every thing is available in internet.Today I am  going to give a complete guidelines of Blogging as a internet business.I think that these will safe wasting time and money too to professional bloggers and webmasters.My starting time failures have become the aspiring pillars of the new bloggers and webmasters by giving them the right guidance to succeed with blogging.Here is the Professional Blogging Complete Guidelines .

1.Start blog:-

Starting a blog is the most important part of all.Instead of reading and watching other people doing it,It needs to do it own self in order to get things going.So here are the tools that will need to put in blog to life.

2.Domain name:– 
Choose a relevant domain name(the url of your blog such as is this blog’s domain name)and register it from any service provider. I use for all my domains.They always have real time customer services.

Now go to any hosting service and choose a cheapest package to host the domain.All my websites are hosted on because they give cool discount offers.Any one can can use promo code UMAIN30 to get 50% discount on any package.I am sure their packages are very economical.It is mentioned that free hosting service is not fit for professional bloggers as it has never get full control on the blog or website.

WordPress is the best software for blogging.It is 100% free available for download at is so easy and simple to make a blog with WordPress.


Now choose a professional looks like a wordpress theme such as Thesis theme,digtal studio,etc.Professional and business blogger needs an SEO,clean coded and professional theme like Thesis,Genesis,Headway Themes etc.

Wordpress plugins is one of the greatest blessings of availability to make blogging lives much simpler.WordPress has more than 1000 essential plugins.

7.Blogging Resources:-

Point out resources to become successful blogger.Read or visit relevant niche to identify the blogging goal and then helps it devise an action plan to succeed with blogging.

8.Write Blog Post:– 

Start writing blog post in the targeted niche with the right strategies and methods.

9.Promote or Advertise Blog:-

Promote or advertising is one of the most essential part of blogging business.Bloggers and webmasters use various methods to promote blogs or websites such as social media advertising,PPC advertising,PTC advertising,PTR advertising, and many more ways use to promote websites or blog.

10.Monetize Blog:-

Successful professional Blogging is meant that the targeted blog or website earning money. Professional bloggers monetize blog or website in various way such PPC ads,lead generation,PTR banner advertising etc.Some of highly recomanded ads networks are Google Adsense, Chitika, tribal fusion etc.
11.Sit To Analysis:-

Beside the Maintaining of Income Blogging,It is needed to check the stat counter of the blog or website to confirm where from the blog visitors come and and has done in the blog to generate revenue.


Blogging is a business but it is more hard to harder job than any other business.if you have any Professional Blogging Complete Guidelines then share with us.
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  1. [...] in modern days.The number of internet users are going to increase day by day as well as number of professional bloggers and webmasters too.There are some fantastic resources on the Web for normal internet users as well as internet [...]


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