Research Reveals: Video Creating Inspiration for Bloggers and Marketers

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Do you need a reason to start using video in your marketing strategy? Try one of these:

1.     Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.  --Brightcove
2.     Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines. --Brightcove
3.     4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it! --eMarketer
4.     Video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more. – Visually
5.     Websites using video have 41% more web traffic from search than those who don’t. – Aberdeen
6.     39% of executives who visit a vendor website call after viewing a video. --Forbes
7.     64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. –ComScore
8.     Businesses that use video increase revenue 49% faster year-over-year than businesses who don’t. --Aberdeen
It’s clear that videos can engage your current and potential customers and potentially increase revenue in a way that’s unlike any other!
Here’s the thing though… your video has to be good! I don’t mean you need to go out and hire professional camera crews or spend thousands of dollars on high performance equipment.  In fact, just the opposite is true. 
What you need is a video that:
1.     Solves a problem for your target audience
2.     Provides valuable information
3.     Motivates your audience to action
4.     Engages, informs or entertains your target audience
5.     Humanizes your brand
In other words, don’t create a video that drags on for 20 minutes sharing your life story, tells the user what day and time it is or otherwise bores your audience to the point that they leave after less than 15 seconds.  Keep in mind that the video you create is in competition with every other piece of content on the internet. If it doesn’t solve a problem, provide value, motivate, educate, entertain or otherwise engage your target audience then it won’t produce the results you’re looking for.
You video must have purpose.
The type of video you create depends on your goal. Is the video going to be geared towards educating potential customers, adding value for your audience or something else? It can be difficult to know how to use video, especially if you’re a service business that doesn’t have a product to showcase.  Rest assured, video can work for you too though!
Below are 10 different types of videos intended to inspire you to start creating. Read through them all and then use something as simple as the camera on your phone to create your next video.  Don’t stop at one! Keep practicing! Once you get the hang of it, you won’t want to stop!
Types of Videos for Businesses
1.     Interviews: These types of videos are the perfect way for your business to be seen as an authority.  They offer you the chance to showcase other valuable assets for your target audience in the form of the people you’re interviewing.  Interviews are also a great way to get more exposure since most of the people you interview should want to share that interview with their own target audience. Sites like can make these online video interviews a breeze while attracting a new live audience to your business!
2.     Animation: Are you nervous about putting your face in front of a camera for the first time? Animation videos are a powerful tool any business can utilize to leave viewers in a feel-good frame of mind. They’re the perfect way to simplify complex products or services, or catch the viewer’s eye quickly in a fun and engaging way.
3.     How to or Screen Capture: In 2016 YouTube reported that “How To” video searches were up 70%, with over 100 million hours watched. Your audience is searching for information on “how to” do all kinds of things! While following directions listed in bullet points can be helpful, it’s much easier for someone to figure out how to do something by watching a “how to” video.
4.     Product/Service Reviews: Product review videos are a great way to refer a product to your customers whether it’s your own or someone else’s. In fact, being helpful is oftentimes better than being inexpensive.  Your audience isn’t shopping on price alone! Solve their problems… offer them value…they’ll love you for it!
5.     Webinars: Webinars are a great way to interact with customers in real time, offering helpful, valuable insights to people attending the webinar. Think about the problems your business solves for your clients. Choose one specific solution or even a few closely related solutions and host a webinar offering these answers freely to your audience.  This is a low-cost endeavor that is extremely high value. Make sure you record it so you can continue using this highly valuable piece of content for a long time to come.
6.     Public Service Announcements: This type of video raises awareness on topics important to your audience through serious, funny or emotional means.  Has something happened within your industry your target audience needs to know about? Is there an event coming up, a must have new tool or a law that will affect them? Maybe it’s just been a long, cold winter and you want to create one to lighten things up for them. Create one of these for serious engagement!  
7.     Testimonials: These are powerful videos that help provide social proof of your product or service. It gives credibility to your company, therefore expanding your customer base. After you’ve finished interviewing a client (a great way to showcase your clients and let others see how successful you really are while creating a video for your business), ask for a video testimonial.  While they are all dressed up and feeling great about you, they just might provide you with a video testimonial you can share as well!
8.     Presentations:  A live presentation combines the excitement of an event with a useful webinar to create a compelling narrative. Companies can give targeted presentations at company or networking events to help increase their brand presence.  Once the presentation is over, you’ll have a great piece of content to use again and again.
9.     Vlog: Video blogs are a great way to engage your customers. Not only are they inexpensive to produce, but they’re a great alternative way to blog. With so few companies vlogging, this can set your company apart from competitors. Want a little extra oomph? Provide a transcript of your vlog so the part of your audience who enjoys video can watch the video and the part of your audience who wants to read can skim through the post at their leisure.
10. Slideshare Video: Slideshare presentations allow you to take a blog post with multiple points and create a presentation out of it! Once you’ve got the presentation, you can use a tool like HandBrake , iSpring , Movavi , or Wondershare to convert it to an MP4 that you can upload to YouTube, Facebook or any other video platform you prefer.  Get maximum benefit from one piece of content!
Hire a Professional
Take your business to the next level by connecting with more potential clients through the use of social media marketing strategies such as video by contacting us at BizMSolutions! We’ll bring the creativity by helping you brainstorm ideas, share the best tools for your project and provide custom solutions to keep you on track with your business goals. With us at your side, you'll never be alone! No idea how to get started? That's why we're here to help!

If you want to get rid on it then Contact us today for a free consultation.

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