10 years of Viral content creation and hidden factors of global traffic

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I was started my blogging in 2004 when I was final year student of MBA in Madurai Kamraj University as a fashion to maintain daily diary. After completing my study life, travelled one company to another and finally, I had left my regular job and entered full time online worker. Blogging and Freelancing were my main pathways to earned my bread and butter on those days with lots of hardship. I had written 10+ articles on this matter, so don't want to give you boring by drugging same drum once again. In 2013, I have founded a news portal (Indilens !Insights of India) and I had got the idea of viral post or article such a few news reports got 1000's of hits globally but why? A lots of questions risen on viral article and news topic such What makes content go viral?

10 years of Viral content creation and hidden factors of global traffic  

I know that it is a tough question, but when you look around, there’s some people who are able to craft contagious content every single time as my news portal get minimum 1 article daily.

What’s their secret? Do they know something you don’t?

I can say that every one can able to do so, creating viral article or reports for their wb portal and blogs. And while they may not be aware of it, they know how to push the little “traffic buttons” on the internet without fail.

How do I know this? Because I’ve done it… for years. And until recently, I was never able to explain exactly how I was able to do it. But today, that all changes.

Before getting insight of the topic, I want to mention a name Jonah Berger who is an assistant professor of marketing at the Wharton School of Business with specializes in discovering what makes ideas and products go viral. I had learned a lots from him via his articles and books. It is mentioned that he is featured in many of the prestigious marketing research journals and publications like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Economist and more.

Here is the basic factors of viral post: 

1. Positive content is more viral than negative content.

2. Content that evoked high arousal emotions—positive or negative—is more viral than content without emotion.

3. Practically useful content get’s shared.

4. A little controversial with attraction of legacy. 

5. Touching emotions of thousands. 

If your post/article carries any one character above mentioned, then It’s tough to make a blog post go viral. However, I am using some other legal tricks to make a article go viral. Here are a few of my legal tips for readers. 

  • Submit to Google+
  • Submit to Reddit
  • Submit to StumbleUpon
  • Post on Forums in niche
  • Submit to Yahoo Buzz
  • Submit to Delicious
  • Post to Twitter
  • Post to Facebook
  • Post to meetme
  • Post to Google news
  • Post to YouTube (if applicable)
  • Submit to Technorati
  • Post to Pinterest (if applicable)
  • Post to LinkedIn
  • Provide SEO keywords for images
  • Directory submissions
  • RSS directory submits
  • Forum comments
  • Relevant blog comments
  • Social bookmarking
  • Refer to posts on Yahoo! Answers
  • Refer to posts on LinkedIn
  • Refer to posts on Quora
  • Press releases
  • Link to our own past and future blog posts
  • Add to your email signature
  • Add to your signature in forums
  • Add to your next newsletter
  • Request other bloggers to mention your post

Final words from author: 

As a content creator and freelance journalist, I want to say that blogger or portal owner must look after a few other factors before publishing the post such correct keyword optimize of the post, Adding pictures next to key items with alt tag, proofread the post to check for errors with proper correction. I am sure, if any one follows the above mentioned, then surely targeted post will go viral. 

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