Webmaster and Bloggers can share limited access of Google Webmaster Tools Each others

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Webmaster and Bloggers can share limited access of Google Webmaster Tools Each others.Google webmaster tools is one of the most important service has provided by Google for bloggers and webmasters.Recently Google has launched a new product that allows verified site owners to provide third-party individuals with limited access to their site's information and settings in Webmaster Tools.Although site owners have had the ability to provide full access for several years.The new feature of Google webmaster tools grants limited permission, blocking third-party individuals from the ability to modify all settings.[Photo credit:Google webmaster tools blog]
Webmaster and Bloggers can share limited access of Google Webmaster Tools Each others

The main attraction of newly updated Google webmaster tools are given bellow:-
1.Owner Access:–

Anyone who has verified the site in Webmaster Tools.This enabled them to add users via the user administration,delete sites,and more super controls.
2.Full Access:–

Granting a user'Full'permission means that they will be able to view all data and take most actions,such as changing site settings or demoting sitelinks etc.
3.Restricted Access:–

When a user’s permission is set to'Restricted' they will only have access to view most data, and can take some actions such as using Fetch as Googlebot and configuring message forwarding for their account. 

Webmaster and Bloggers can share limited access of Google Webmaster Tools Each others
This will be selecting the'Add or remove users'option under the'Manage site'menu on the home page,site owners can now access the new User administration page,where they can add or delete up to 100 users.The new feature also allows site owners to specify each user's access as'Full'or'restricted.' 

Webmaster and Bloggers can share limited access of Google Webmaster Tools Each others 
The'Restricted'access will provide third-party individuals with access to most data,and can prompt certain actions,such as utilizing Fetch as Googlebot,and initiating message forwarding for their account.
Jonathan Simon,a Google Webmaster Trends Analyst,in the official blog announcement stated'We hope the addition of Full and Restricted users makes management of your site in Webmaster Tools easier since you can now grant access within a more limited scope to help prevent undesirable or unauthorized changes.' 
This may be great opportunity to the newbie webmasters as well as experienced to share the website data towards each others with correct analysis.This will open new earning possibilities for experienced webmasters as they can use webmaster tools for clients of an agency to verify the agencies domain with restricted access in order to authorise video sitemaps across domains.
1.Google webmaster central blog
2.Searchengine Land
3.Submit Express
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