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Here is the Major 12 queries are asked to valuate a website on programmed software via which it is made.
1. Is there any development software (i.e.graphics tools,HTML/programming tools)
2. Does site include JSP(Java server pages )programs
3. Does the site own rights or licences to the software that is used to run and maintain the site
4. Is the right exclusive
5. Does the software licence expire at some point?If so ,what is the possibility of it's renewal
6. Can it be renewaed on the existing terms and conditions
7. Is the software easily maintainable and upgradable
8. What are the limitations of the software determine the availability of experts who know the software and can fix / troubleshoot it
9. Can the software run on more than one server (physically and legally)
10. Is there a database associated with software
11. Determine the integrity and format of the database
12. Rights included with the site (hosting,acces)
What kind of rights are included in the price.Does the price include T1 acces rights (and the equipment for such acces).Wheather the site has any amount of pre-allocated bandwidth or storage space .Can the site be moved without negative impact on such rights.So valuation process is not simple ,it takes large number of complex calculation during the process going on.
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