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It is important to realize that you need to apply SEO optimization techniques to Adsense pages prior expecting a top Ad performing page and the tools, tips and hints given in this hands-on-report will help you significant! Just follow all the SEO tips.Please read further below. Using Search Engine Optimization techniques on Adsense pages is practically the same as using SEO on standard pages. But doing it right is a kind of art based on extensive research. Yet there are guidelines, strategies and free tools that can be utilized. I will mention a few below:
A. Title Tag:-
While as short as possible, do it as meaningful as you can. Some keyword research for your theme would help., but don’t stuff those keywords just into your title. Make the title no longer than 60 characters. The title should include the major keywords you want to be ranked as high as possible and should have a close proximity among them. Use at least a single phrase for the title with 2-4 important page keywords. Again: Either a shorter tile for more relevance or a longer one for more keyword combinations you want your page to be found for - but at costs of a lower relevance and the risk that your page will be ranked lower .
i. Description Tag:-
You may repeat some of your keywords here but sometimes that is not recommended. If you do, put them on the beginning. Explain shortly what your page (not site) is about?
Not very important these days, nevertheless as a good SEO style but your keywords in here. Rules by search engines might change one day again. Most important keywords & phrases first. You should have at least 14 keywords which MUST be found in your contents. Around 20 important keywords are enough. You may repeat keywords, but only once.
iii. Metacomments tag:-
You can ignore it but better yet make it similar to your description tag. You may NOT want to repeat your major keywords here again.
B. Your contents:-
I. Body Tag:-
Most important: Have some unique information here which must be related to your title. Avoid to have duplicate contents on your site. Your Adsense SEO will suffer. You can use PLR articles but you should rewrite at least 15% of the contents of each one...as more as better. Your main keyword phrases, as you have provided for your title, should not have a higher keyword density in the body than 2-3% although some believe it can be up to 7%. Be at the safe side.
ii. H1-H3 Tags:-
According a German (written) report ‘Ranking Faktoren’, H1 tags do not help ranking anymore and as said somewhere else, it can even hurt your attempts for going to the top. If you use the H2 tag, use it only once and limit it to a small title. Provide a short descriptions and summary, perhaps in bold, what your page is all about. You can also use the H3 tag but again, use it only once. Try not to repeat the text within the H tags.
iii. Bold Text:-
Use it sparely as well. If you want to use it more often, use it within CSS defined fonts...they will not count with search engines. There are many more SEO factors such as on-site links, on-side link texts and especially quality incoming links who will determining you rankings. Reciprocal links are not dead but be carefully in deciding to whom you are trading with. Avoid getting unrealted links, links from link farms and any paid links, pop-ups etc. Read Google’s Adsense TOS. Feel free to extent your knowledge by further researching the Internet on the topics given on this page.
C.WEB hosting:-
For best results with Adsense avoid hosting at blogs (until you have mastered SEO techniques for your Adsense pages) and get your own carefully thought-out domain name and a hosting service. These steps alone will help your site stand out. This must not be expensive. For hosting, I do use for some of my sites $3 hosting services with virtual no limitations in data transfers, HD size, and DBs you can have. Very reliable, too.
D.SEO Tools: -
For a very quick check about your page, you can and should use the SEO Doc Mini-Tester, especially if you do not own more sophisticated tools. I’m not associated with the site or its services but that free tester gives you an excellent graphical overview of the status of your page. Once you got good results with it you can and should go further with commercial products perhaps like their own in-depth seo testing program or for example, IBP, as the Doc Mini-Tester above does not take your important contents (body) into consideration. But its a good initial tool for evaluating your meta tags. In any case, if the free SEO tool does not show good results for your pages, you need to improve them first before doing anything else! If the doc mini tester is satiesfied with your work, you can do the next steps. Doing SEO for Adsense in the correct way means getting increased clean target traffic which in turn converts into better ctr’s and thus higher income. Finally, in case your site is already a while on the net, you can check for backlinks. An SEO online tool you could use.
E. Monetize Tools:-
If you want to know what ads your pages are showing, you may check out the one from Google or third party ones: Adsense Preview Tool
I., Ads. Preview Tool
II. and Ads. Preview Tool
III. Use them at your own risk!
In a report written some years ago, there were stated that the amount of traffic a site gets correlates to around 30% to the amount of pages a site have. Thus, as more pages you create with unique contents as higher will be your Adsense income. Obviously...I found that to be true, but again, pages need to be highly SEO optimized or your CTR’s will be always ways below as they should be, no matter how well you have designed your page for adsense. One of the important keys for adsense success is clean traffic search engine traffic and seo techniques can help you greatly in archiving this goal. This article provides the basic SEO knowledge required to Good SEO provides an excellent foundation for good Adsense CTR, so consider the seo & adsense tips mentioned above. Take some time to learn to do it right and you will be amazed about your increasing Adsense income results. Any questions? Contact me right here
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